✨ Miles' Website ✨

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if you don't know me, i'm not really sure why you're here but feel free to stick around if you please.

quick rundown

my name is miles, welcome to this silly site :o

my birthday is in october, i have a partner and we've been together for this long V :D

enjoys learning about science; agnostic atheist antitheist; mortuary geek; stoner; trans man (hrt date: 10/30/2020)

learn more about me here, although i won't be sharing everything.

last updated:

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  • stamps
  • hairy shit fucks
  • silly little blog
  • photo gallery
  • content in which plays on my devices
  • important dates

  • things that i enjoy too much

  • games
  • death
  • science
  • music
  • art (if you can call it that)
  • dinosaurs / fossils
  • planes
  • crystals
  • Moral Orel
  • send me ideas you think would be neat :) discord

    to do list

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